He that plans to marry ought to seek diligently for such a one, to have this principally in his eye, in all his enquires, and to take heed that he be not confused by beauty or gaiety or lustful desires, wealth or parentage or dressing well. For she may very well have all these attractions and yet not be a virtuous woman, at all, as these advantages are no certain recommendation of a good wife. - Matthew Henry
“Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of aHâiâh" - Mishlei (Proverbs)18:22
Marriage Harmony
A young man is often unaware that taking interest in the woman he wants to marry, rather than being interesting is what makes him irresistible to her. Shortly after he marries, circumstances reveal just how oblivious he really is to what made him so irresistible before marriage, and as he begins to digress in his attentiveness to his young bride, she sees this lack of interest as a sign of rejection. read more...(PDF)